January 2025
Accountability Relationships for Compulsive Sexual Behavior
In my therapy practice, I often hear about personal experiences of accountability. Usually, though, it’s a description of failed accountability, especially when the accountability issue is compulsive sexual behavior. Let’s explore accountability from the perspective of being set up for success. Accountability can be defined as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions” (Webster), and as “acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, . . . (Wikipedia). Further, accountability for husbands in a marriage is set up for success by considering the following elements: Intentional/voluntary – Husbands, enter an accountability relationship by your own
November 2024
Becoming Empty Nesters
By: Alyssa Hyland, MFT-Intern, Supervised by Dr. Mark White, LMFT-S As a parent have you recently sent off your child to college and become an empty nester? Have you found that you and your partner may have strayed away from each other after all these years, feeling like there is a loss of connection or intimacy within the relationship? This feeling is common among parents who have recently become “empty nesters.” When all of the kids have moved out of the house, and it is once again just the parents. As parents, you focused so much time on your kids
Therapists Need Therapy Too
By Adrienne Rains, LMFT-Associate Supervised by Dr. Mark White As therapists, we carry a lot of things with us in our hearts, minds, and souls. We need a place to get those things out. When in school or newly licensed we have a supervisor that allows us to express ourselves in a safe place. We are constantly talked to about self-care and what our plan is, but what happens when we are finished with school and supervision and on our own in private practice and our self-care falls by the wayside? This is when therapists need to turn to other
October 2024
Did you know the statistics on Burnout? Let me share them with you: 70% of employees suffer from Burnout. Healthcare employees have the highest with 80%. Millennials are the most affected, with 59%. Gen Z grew from 47% to 58% in just a year. 50% of employees will look for another job if they are experiencing Burnout from their current job. 36% of employees complain that their jobs are not helping with this area. Money is not the most significant factor. There is only 6% difference between people who make 100k and 30k. 9.8 million mothers suffer from Burnout. As
10 Calming Techniques for Children and Adolescents
By: Kayli Beaty, LMFT-Associate Supervised by Dr. Mark White What is the first trick tech experts ask you when you bring in a phone or laptop that is slow or glitching? “Have you updated and reset the software?” Our nervous systems often require a hard reset, or an update to adapt to current circumstances more efficiently. The God-given reset button to our nervous system is through breath. While not every breathing technique fits every kiddo, here are ten options to try as you aid your child in navigating life's difficulties. A child’s difficult behaviors, when met with a connected adult
To the Person on Fire: A Letter from one Chronic Pain Patient to the Other
By: Kayli Beaty, LMFT Associate Supervised by Dr. Mark White To the person on fire, I see you. I see how you flow through your days with both grit and grace just hoping to muster enough energy to complete your tasks. I see you. I see the frustration you experience with your body, as it feels like a friend who has betrayed you day after day-working against you. I see you. I see the little muscles in your face gathering together to force a smile through the pain in hopes that you will pass as “normal,” just to heave a
June 2024
Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room
Have you ever asked yourself if it is ok to talk about sex with your therapist? The answer to that question is absolutely yes. Therapists have their own realm of expertise; every therapist knows their limits and boundaries regarding those topics. However, sex is a healthy and common thing that most humans have in common. Now, you may ask yourself why this is important. Why should I investigate this part of my life? There is no simple answer to the complexity of sex. However, sex cannot only boost your self-esteem and confidence, but it can also increase your physical health.
December 2023
You Are Someone You Need To Love, Too.
By: Kayli Beaty, LMFT Associate, Supervised By Dr. Mark White, LMFT-S Has the hand you’ve been dealt in life started to feel heavy? Have you found yourself working to please those around you even if it means constantly keeping your emotions and thoughts harbored? Here is a gentle reminder: You are someone you need to love, too. Deriving from Mark 12:31, people are called to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” What would it look like if you truly loved those around you as you loved yourself? Would they feel safe, connected, and satisfied, or would they feel ridiculed, judged, and