Tim White

March 2020

A Few Things to Know About Premarital Counseling

By |March 24th, 2020|

At its most basic, premarital counseling or education is a chance to sit down with a trained professional to discuss life after the wedding day.  Most of the premarital couples I have worked with have numerous questions about roles, responsibilities, sex, money, work, kids, extended family, video games, social media, conflict, fighting fair…and the list could go on.  It is important to note that these are couples who on the cusp of marriage, very much in love, and coming from a place of great commitment, yet they still have these questions.  Let me assure you, it is okay to have the questions! 

Your Sense of Self

By |March 24th, 2020|

Your sense of self. What is it?  Who is it? How do you know?  What is it based on? Is it simply a list of all the roles and attributes that you have? If that is the case then I am a husband, driver, father, sighted-person, son, homed person, brother, right-handed person, friend, smeller of delicious scents, veteran, and therapist.   Some of these may seem silly, but consider the loss of one or more of these roles or attributes.  Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell, the only reason I remember this is because of a Scrubs

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