
November 2024

Becoming Empty Nesters

By |November 8th, 2024|

By: Alyssa Hyland, MFT-Intern, Supervised by Dr. Mark White, LMFT-S As a parent have you recently sent off your child to college and become an empty nester? Have you found that you and your partner may have strayed away from each other after all these years, feeling like there is a loss of connection or intimacy within the relationship? This feeling is common among parents who have recently become “empty nesters.” When all of the kids have moved out of the house, and it is once again just the parents. As parents, you focused so much time on your kids

June 2024

You Can’t “Snap Out of It” and That’s Okay

By |June 24th, 2024|

By: Kayli Beaty, LMFT Associate Supervised by Dr. Mark White “I just need to snap out of it.” “I don’t know why I can’t get over myself.” “Will I ever get out of this funk?” If the human heart were capable of “just snapping out of it,” you would have done it by now. We were not designed to switch our brains on and off, as circumstances and emotions are far more complex than that. Many are familiar with the term “fight or flight,” which describes an emotional state where an individual is often overwhelmed and anxious, blood pressure is

December 2023

You Are Someone You Need To Love, Too.

By |December 21st, 2023|

By: Kayli Beaty, LMFT Associate, Supervised By Dr. Mark White, LMFT-S Has the hand you’ve been dealt in life started to feel heavy? Have you found yourself working to please those around you even if it means constantly keeping your emotions and thoughts harbored? Here is a gentle reminder: You are someone you need to love, too. Deriving from Mark 12:31, people are called to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” What would it look like if you truly loved those around you as you loved yourself? Would they feel safe, connected, and satisfied, or would they feel ridiculed, judged, and

March 2020

Your Sense of Self

By |March 24th, 2020|

Your sense of self. What is it?  Who is it? How do you know?  What is it based on? Is it simply a list of all the roles and attributes that you have? If that is the case then I am a husband, driver, father, sighted-person, son, homed person, brother, right-handed person, friend, smeller of delicious scents, veteran, and therapist.   Some of these may seem silly, but consider the loss of one or more of these roles or attributes.  Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell, the only reason I remember this is because of a Scrubs

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