Premarital Counseling

Premarital & Marriage Counseling in Lubbock, TX

Tim White is a Prepare/Enrich (P/E) certified pre-marital counselor, as well as a licensed marriage and family therapist. Tim is registered with Twogether In Texas, a healthy marriage program that provides voluntary marriage and relationship skills.

A P/E counselor like Tim provides the couple in question with a questionnaire that gives the therapist insight into their strength and growth areas. Tim then uses this information to work alongside the couple and help them learn how to experience oneness and abundant life.

Aside from the P/E curriculum, we offer a “menu” of topics to choose from so that you can be assured that we will address any issues or topics you feel are necessary for your marriage and relationship. Tim is passionate about helping couples get their married lives off to a wonderful start, and views pre-marital work as some of the most fun work! Do your wedding day a favor and start your marriage off on the right track with the help of Dr. White and Associates!

This service is respectful of and informed by Christian tradition and teachings. We believe that the marriage relationship is one that is designed by God, and when we live within the boundaries of his design then we have access to the abundant life that Christ has promised.

Contact Us for More Information

Contact Dr. White and Associates for help with Premarital Counseling in Lubbock, Texas. For more information or an appointment, please contact our receptionist at 806-780-0003 or schedule online here.

You may also call Dr. Mark White directly at 806-786-7218 for specific questions.

We Look Forward to Hearing From You!

Contact us with any questions you may have or schedule an appointment with Tim White today.