
February 2024


By |February 23rd, 2024|

By: Amanda Axelrod, M.S., LMFT- Associate Supervised by Dr. Mark White We see love portrayed in various ways; through movies, books, music, and even celebrities. Disney movies say that love is the start of happily ever after, books say that love is always romantic, music says that love is obsessive, and celebrities say that love is picture perfect. What if none of these ideologies actually create a life full of love? What if the prince in the Disney movie does not exist? He is just an ordinary guy who makes mistakes and does not save anyone. What if the celebrities

January 2020

Declaration of DEPENDENCE

By |January 14th, 2020|

As a veteran and a proud American who holds our heritage, our flag, and our freedoms in high regard, I salute the flag and I stand at attention to honor our national anthem.  But today, on the eve of celebrating our national independence, there is a part of me that needs to voice my declaration of dependence. Part of our American heritage is the faith perspectives of our founding fathers.  While I am not a historian, it is my understanding that many of our founding fathers were faithful believers in Jesus Christ who endeavored to live by biblical principles.  Considering

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