
March 2020

Accountability in Intimate Relationships: What Does It Really Mean?

By |March 24th, 2020|

In my therapy practice I often hear about personal experiences of accountability.  Usually though, it’s a description of failed accountability. Today, I want to explore accountability from a perspective of being set up for success.  Accountability can be defined as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions” (Webster), and as “acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, . . . (Wikipedia).  Further, accountability for husbands in a marriage are set up for success when they consider the following elements: Intentional/voluntary – Husbands, enter an accountability relationship by your own personal intention, not just at

Transformed by Renewing the Mind

By |March 24th, 2020|

So many life principles from the Bible apply to mental health. In Romans 12:2, Paul gives us just such a great life principle; becoming transformed by renewing the mind. In context, Paul had just addressed some ineffective patterns of worldly living. Then he states to not conform any longer to the old patterns, but instead to become transformed by renewing our minds. From a mental health perspective, I want to put some practical action on how to accomplish this. If I have an old, ineffective pattern of thinking due to my experience of life, but the truth of God’s design

Equipped for Success!

By |March 24th, 2020|

I heard a great message at church last Sunday, proclaiming the finished work of God in our lives.  One of the points made was that we are equipped for success, more specifically, that we have been given everything we need for life and godliness.  This is a past tense, finished work of God in each of us.  By design, we are fully equipped for life.  As a mental health professional, I talk to many people who say they don’t feel equipped on an emotional level.  What is it that hinders us from feeling equipped for success?  What hinders some of

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