Addiction Recovery Therapy
Addiction / Sex Addiction / Compulsive Sexual Behavior Recovery Therapy in Lubbock, TX
As individuals, we respond to life and cope with circumstances in ways that can lead to compulsions and addiction. Addiction may involve substances (alcohol, drugs) and/or behavioral processes (pornography, gambling, romance, spending, etc.).
Addiction recovery therapy is the application of human systems analysis and evidenced-based principles to identify the addiction cycle, its triggers, and to develop through various means an alternative life pattern that renders the substance or behavioral process no longer effective. Addiction recovery isn’t just about stopping substance use or behavior; it’s about changing life patterns so that former coping is no longer needed. It has been said that the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety; it’s connection (Johann Hari). Treatment at DWA includes re-establishing connection that takes the power out of coping and puts it back into connection.
An understanding and application of brain science is a vital component of addiction recovery therapy. Dr. White and Associates uses the Dr. Patrick Carnes 30 Task Model of recovery and may include the Recovery Start Kit and Facing the Shadow in our therapy treatment.
Typical Addiction Recovery Issues Include:

Contact Us for More Information
Contact Dr. White and Associates for help with addiction recovery in Lubbock, Texas. For more information or an appointment, please contact our receptionist at 806-780-0003 or schedule online here.
You may also call Dr. Mark White directly at 806-786-7218 for specific questions.