Child / Adolescent / Teen Therapy
We Offer Child/Adolescent/Teen Therapy in Lubbock, TX
As children physically grow, and emotionally and mentally develop, they are challenged by contexts and circumstances. When those contexts and circumstances go beyond the parenting experience and/or ability inherent in the family, assistance is often required. Child/adolescent/teen therapy is the application of human systems analysis and evidenced-based principles that specifically address the context of children in their development.
A major focus of child/adolescent/teen therapy is the repair/reconciliation of the child’s emotional context and the caregiver/child relationship, which then provides the context to address secondary presenting problems. An understanding and application of brain science is a vital component of child/adolescent/teen therapy.
Typical Treatment Issues and Topics Include:

Contact Us for More Information
Contact Dr. White and Associates for help with children/adolescents/teens in Lubbock, Texas. For more information or an appointment, please contact our receptionist at 806-780-0003 or schedule online here.
You may also call Dr. Mark White directly at 806-786-7218 for specific questions.