Have you ever asked yourself if it is ok to talk about sex with your therapist? The answer to that question is absolutely yes. Therapists have their own realm of expertise; every therapist knows their limits and boundaries regarding those topics. However, sex is a healthy and common thing that most humans have in common. Now, you may ask yourself why this is important. Why should I investigate this part of my life? There is no simple answer to the complexity of sex. However, sex cannot only boost your self-esteem and confidence, but it can also increase your physical health. Having a clear understanding of your boundaries, where they come from, or just your likes and dislikes can help you create a meaningful connection with your partner and yourself.

Society has definitely put expectations towards these types of topics and experiences, and that can create stressors in our relationship. Imagine becoming an expert on yourself and the reasons for your choices without feeling shame or other emotions that might discourage you. These types of conversations would be challenging because everyone is different, and everyone has different backgrounds. However, you should never feel discouraged from engaging in topics that, even though they can be labeled as taboo, are also vital to our human experience. Therapists like me can navigate these waters with you in a respectful and safe space. The elephant in the room is smaller when we put it on the table and address it. Sex is not small talk; sex is a way of expressing ourselves, and sex is a way to love ourselves and others. Never be afraid to address this elephant; it is part of who you are, part of your relational journey, and a unique thing to share with another human being.

A therapeutical conversation about sex, in all its facets, is a valid topic to discuss with your therapist. Therapy is a safe space to talk about any subject.

If you ever want to discuss topics like this or other topics that can contribute to a healthy life experience, please do not hesitate to contact me, Saruhen Santana, at dwatherapy.com or call our office at 806-780-0003.

Let us conquer the elephant together,


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To contact us by email, please send a message to our receptionist at frontdesk@dwatherapy.com.

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