Did you know the statistics on Burnout? Let me share them with you:

  1. 70% of employees suffer from Burnout.
  2. Healthcare employees have the highest with 80%.
  3. Millennials are the most affected, with 59%.
  4. Gen Z grew from 47% to 58% in just a year.
  5. 50% of employees will look for another job if they are experiencing Burnout from their current job.
  6. 36% of employees complain that their jobs are not helping with this area.
  7. Money is not the most significant factor. There is only 6% difference between people who make 100k and 30k.
  8. 9.8 million mothers suffer from Burnout.

As we can see, this affects everyone, and we seem to keep putting ourselves at the back of the line of the people we want to help and care for. Why is it easy for us to make time for everyone else but ourselves? Why do we struggle with feelings of guilt when we have time for ourselves? Have you considered creating a routine for yourself but struggle with maintaining it? How can you care for others while struggling to keep up with life? These are hard questions, but this is the reality of so many people; struggling to understand that you are important, that you matter, and that you are someone deserving of peace, love, and consideration is a meaningful conversation we need to have with ourselves. Making time for you is as imperative as caring for someone you love because we love ourselves, right? Now, you might ask yourself, What are the signs and symptoms? Let me share with you some of them:

  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of helplessness and defeat
  • Detachment and Cynicism
  • Decreased in motivation and performance
  • Physical symptoms
  • Emotional changes

Do you recognize some of these symptoms or signs? We cannot change many things; however, we can change how we feel and care for ourselves. Say it with me: ” I matter, I am important, I am deserving of peace, I am deserving of grace.”

If you ever want to discuss topics like this or other topics that can contribute to a healthy life experience, please do not hesitate to contact me, Saruhen Santana, at dwatherapy.com or call our office at 806-780-0003.

Take care,
Saruhen Santana Lopez

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