Did you know that studies have shown that 1 in 10 men experience prenatal and postpartum depression and anxiety (Paulson & Bazemore, 2010)? Knowing the signs and symptoms of these allows you to maximize your ability to advocate for yourself or your partner in a time of need. 

Paternal prenatal and postpartum depression have common symptoms associated such as, but not limited to: anger or rage outbursts, impulsive behavior such as using alcohol or drugs, irritability, outward physical symptoms: headaches, stomachaches, muscle aches; low motivation or poor concentration, focusing more or less on career, detachment from family, and thoughts of suicide. 

Paternal prenatal and postpartum anxiety also have common symptoms associated such as, but not limited to: excessive worry, nervousness, feeling a sense of impending doom, and panic attacks. 

Taking a look at both the psychological and social aspects in your life surrounding anxiety and depression and considering how these can affect your life pre and post-baby, is a crucial factor in receiving the care that you need. Most men experience prenatal anxiety and depression in the first trimester while many experience postpartum anxiety and depression within the first year (typically between the 3-6 month mark) of their child’s life. 

If you feel that you are experiencing paternal prenatal or postpartum depression or anxiety and want help, please give us a call at (806) 608-3127 and request an appointment with Kathryn Moore.

Kathryn is also leading a Prenatal and Postnatal Father Group on Thursdays beginning August 31st at 6:30 pm. This is meant to provide a safe and supportive environment for fathers who are trying to conceive, are expecting, or have an infant under one year old. For more information, please email: kathrynmoore@dwatherapy.com!


Paulson, J. C., & Bazemore, S. D. (2010). Prenatal and postpartum depression in fathers and its association with maternal depression. JAMA, 303(19), 1961. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2010.605

Get in Touch

For an appointment, please contact the receptionist at 1(806)780-0003 or schedule online here.

To contact us by email, please send a message to our receptionist at frontdesk@dwatherapy.com.

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